Best Engineering Plant at 2011 Best Factory Awards

Camfil Farr, a champion of energy efficiency and sustainability, likes to “practice what it preaches”, as exemplified by prizes and certifications that have been recently awarded to the company’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and France. These achievements recognize the steps taken by these companies to improve resource efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Camfil Farr’s subsidiary in the United Kingdom has become the first company in the country to transition from BS 16001 to ISO 50001 and the first company in the world to achieve both ISO 50001 and the Energy Reduction Verification Kitemark (British Standards Institution).

In France, Camfil Farr recently became the second company in the country to be certified to the EN16001 energy management system. This certification recognizes the commitment and tangible results achieved by Camfil Farr France after several years of intense focus on improving energy efficiency within manufacturing at the Saint-Martin-Longueau plant. These efforts have reduced the company’s energy bill by one-third.


Camfil Farr wins 'Best Engineering Plant' at 2011 Best Factory Awards : Bill Wilkinson Camfil Farr wins Best Factory Award 2011 by Jamie Kay



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